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WHATS THE WORD? Book Two, Using New Vocabulary in the Real World = 156-Page Student Text
ISBN 978-1-891077-01-2 20.00 USD
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WHAT'S THE WORD? Book Two, Using New Vocabulary in the Real World = 156-Page Student Text with Answer Key
What’s the best word for a context or situation? If you or your intermediate to advanced students often ask that question—or if systematic vocabulary acquisition is part of your language curriculum, then WHAT’S THE WORD? Using New Vocabulary in the Real World is for you! This efficiently organized 156-page student book has a clear and practical real-world purpose—providing users with the skills and strategies to learn vocabulary efficiently and effectively. After an introductory "Phonics Course" in reading words aloud, its unit titles are “Learning Vocabulary from Reading,” “Using Vocabulary Appropriately,” and “Building Vocabulary Systematically.” The text also includes a removable Answer Key. Two 90-minute CDs offer native-speaker pronunciation (modeling) of words and phrases to be acquired.
Vocabulary is best learned in meaningful contexts, so the WorkText provides reading material in which users learn, choose, and/or supply the most appropriate items. Because the vocabulary corresponds in subject matter to the readings of WHAT’S THE POINT? Book Two, the two texts can be used together effectively—or separately, of course.
Other explanations and exercises illustrate and provide practice in proven vocabulary-acquisition skills and strategies, such as Recognizing Parts of Speech, Guessing Meaning from Context, Using a Dictionary to Learn Vocabulary; Word Usage & Phraseology, Vocabulary in Subject Areas, Synonyms Vs. Opposites; Combining Words = Compounds, Word Pairs (Homophones, Homographs, & Near-Misses); and Word Parts = Beginnings, Roots, & Endings.
ISBN: 978-1-891077-01-2 $20.00 US
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Sample Lesson: Recognizing Parts of Speech
(The student text WHAT'S THE WORD? includes "Book Two" in its title because its items are the same as or similar to the vocabulary used in WHAT''S THE POINT? Book Two [ISBN 978-1-891077-01-2]. A less "difficult" WHAT'S THE WORD? Book One is in the long-range planning stages.
Classroom-ready materials that enhance vocabulary-building are based on the concepts offered in WHAT'S THE WORD? Some examples are What's the Word? SYMBOL CARD DECKS [ISBNs 978-1-891077-16-6 & -17-3], and What's the Word? HOMOPHONES [ISBNs 978-1-891077-39-5, -26-5, & -40-1]. Future vocabulary-acquisition products, focused on topics such as SYNONYMS VS. OPPOSITES, COMPOUNDS, and/or WORD PARTS, will include What's the Word? in their titles.)