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TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING = 54 Speaking Cards + 20-Page Activity & Idea Book
ISBN: 978-1-891077-15-9
10.00 USD
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TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING = 54 Cards + 20-Page Activity & Idea Book
The main purpose of the 54 Picture Cards of this versatile oral-language skills deck is to provide stimuli for creative thinking and expression. Here are the titles of some of the individual, paired, and small-group games it suggests: Association Lines or Circles, Creative Sentences, Story Lines, Categories, and Cue Words. The Cards also serve in effective speaking and listening activities like Oral Essays, The Complaint Brainstorming Game, and Paired Speeches—Whining Vs. Valuing.
In alphabetical order, here are the 54 topics for which there are picture cards and supplied vocabulary: Air Travel, Aging, Babies, Cats, Chocolate, Christmas, Cooking, Dating, Dogs, Driving, Fashion, Feelings, Fast Food, Flowers, Grades, Hair, Halloween, Hands, Hats, Insects, Jobs, Junk, Kids, Love, Machines, Meat, Men, Money, Mothers, Nature, Neighbors, the News, the Outdoors, Paperwork, Peace & Quiet, Prices, Public Speaking, Rain, Reading, Religion, School, Science, the Sea, Shoes, Sleep, Smoking, Snow, Sports, the Sun, Television, Time, Travel, Weather, Youth. Clearly, these are subjects about which most secondary and adult language-learners have at least something to say. They are also of interest in most world cultures and environments.
A reproducible Supplementary List section of the accompanying Activity & Idea Book offers vocabulary collections of positive, negative, and neutral words for each topic. Finally--and also in alphabetical order, there are even more suggested subjects for “Talking About Anything.”
ISBN: 978-1-891077-15-9 $10.00 US
(The "resource book" where the activity ideas of Speaking: TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING first appeared is called SPEAKING; Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication [ISBN 978-1-891077-00-5]. They are in the "Getting-Acquainted Intro," PART ONE--called "Short Talk, Not Small Talk," and PART THREE--entitled "Talking About Anything.")
(A comparable product--another aural/oral Card Deck with an Activity & Idea Book containing concepts originally proposed in the SPEAKING Text is called OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS for Social Conversation [ISBN 978-1-891077-14-2].)
(The same kinds of aural/oral (listening/speaking) skills development is addressed in the low-lntermediate level 166-Page WorkText entitled BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills [978-1-891077-50-0] with its companion manual PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE Before Speaking [ISBN 978-1-891077-51-7]. Basic or Beginning academic students might do even better with the 144-Page WorkText called BEGINNERS' BEFORE SPEAKING with Pronunciation Principles--& More [ISBN 978-1-934637-25-8]. For both of these more pedagogical but less challenging products, extensive Self-Teaching Answer Keys and CDs are available.)
The main purpose of the 54 Picture Cards of this versatile oral-language skills deck is to provide stimuli for creative thinking and expression. Here are the titles of some of the individual, paired, and small-group games it suggests: Association Lines or Circles, Creative Sentences, Story Lines, Categories, and Cue Words. The Cards also serve in effective speaking and listening activities like Oral Essays, The Complaint Brainstorming Game, and Paired Speeches—Whining Vs. Valuing.
In alphabetical order, here are the 54 topics for which there are picture cards and supplied vocabulary: Air Travel, Aging, Babies, Cats, Chocolate, Christmas, Cooking, Dating, Dogs, Driving, Fashion, Feelings, Fast Food, Flowers, Grades, Hair, Halloween, Hands, Hats, Insects, Jobs, Junk, Kids, Love, Machines, Meat, Men, Money, Mothers, Nature, Neighbors, the News, the Outdoors, Paperwork, Peace & Quiet, Prices, Public Speaking, Rain, Reading, Religion, School, Science, the Sea, Shoes, Sleep, Smoking, Snow, Sports, the Sun, Television, Time, Travel, Weather, Youth. Clearly, these are subjects about which most secondary and adult language-learners have at least something to say. They are also of interest in most world cultures and environments.
A reproducible Supplementary List section of the accompanying Activity & Idea Book offers vocabulary collections of positive, negative, and neutral words for each topic. Finally--and also in alphabetical order, there are even more suggested subjects for “Talking About Anything.”
ISBN: 978-1-891077-15-9 $10.00 US
(The "resource book" where the activity ideas of Speaking: TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING first appeared is called SPEAKING; Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication [ISBN 978-1-891077-00-5]. They are in the "Getting-Acquainted Intro," PART ONE--called "Short Talk, Not Small Talk," and PART THREE--entitled "Talking About Anything.")
(A comparable product--another aural/oral Card Deck with an Activity & Idea Book containing concepts originally proposed in the SPEAKING Text is called OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS for Social Conversation [ISBN 978-1-891077-14-2].)
(The same kinds of aural/oral (listening/speaking) skills development is addressed in the low-lntermediate level 166-Page WorkText entitled BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills [978-1-891077-50-0] with its companion manual PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE Before Speaking [ISBN 978-1-891077-51-7]. Basic or Beginning academic students might do even better with the 144-Page WorkText called BEGINNERS' BEFORE SPEAKING with Pronunciation Principles--& More [ISBN 978-1-934637-25-8]. For both of these more pedagogical but less challenging products, extensive Self-Teaching Answer Keys and CDs are available.)