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Spelling WORKBOOKS 1 & 2 Package = 94-Page Basic & 126-Page Practical Student Texts with Five CDs + Both Instructor's Guides
ISBNs 978-1-891077-87-6, -88-3; -55-5, 56-2; -89-0, -90-6 90.00 USD
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phonicSpelling WORKBOOKS, Basic & Practical EveryDay Spelling, 94-Page & 126-Page Student Texts, Sets of 2 & 3 CDs, Instructors' Manuals
Flexible. Humorous. Stimulating. Engaging. Motivating: words rarely used to describe spellers, but they apply to the unique characteristics of these classic phonicSpelling Workbooks. Through sound vs. letter presentations, vocabulary-building, error correction, word puzzles, games, stories, and more, secondary/adult language-learners can acquire the sound-letter (phonics) patterns of the American-English spelling system. They learn to read words aloud, spell common items, and make "educated guesses" in the spelling of new vocabulary. Both texts include review lessons, progress tests, and hundreds of illustrations, making them useful as "picture dictionaries." Exercise types appeal to learners of various styles—visual, auditory, cognitive, creative, etc. They are effective and efficient, engaging and motivating, amusing and fun.
After an Introduction to Sounds, Symbols, and Letters, Basic Everyday Spelling Workbook covers one-syllable words with very common, easily predictable spellings. After presenting and providing practice in the letters for each sound separately, it compares and contrasts them in step-by-step, illustrated exercises. Next comes a large variety of activity types, including puzzles, games and stories. There are chapters called "Short Vowels," "Long Vowels," "Final Silent -e," "Consonants," "Other Vowel Sounds," "More Consonant Spellings," and "Combinations of Consonants," as well as Review Lessons. The text ends with 4 Progress Tests and a Final Spelling Test. All the auditory material marked with an Ear Logo is on two 90-minute CDs. The accompanying Instructors' Manual includes a Tapescript, an Answer Key, instructions for use of the text, ideas for remedial and beyond-the-text activities, and more.
Practical Everyday Spelling Workbook reviews the Basic material of the previous text before continuing word-level phonics/spelling instruction at a higher level. In addition to the most common spellings for each sound, it introduces, practices, and tests mastery of less frequent, unusual, and exceptional letter combinations in one-syllable vocabulary. There are lessons entitled "Homophones," "Compound Words," "Multi-Syllable Words," Vowels Before -r," and "Silent Consonants"; 3 Review Lessons, 5 Progress Tests, and a Final Spelling Test; 3 CDs for auditory material; and a complete Instructors' Manual with the features of the Basic IM and more.
ISBNs 978-1-891077-87-6, -88-3; 55-5, 56-2; 89-0, 90-6
(Either the Basic or the Practical ESW package [text + CDs + IM] can be ordered separately, or both packages can be ordered together--with discounts based on the number of items purchased. And of course, each element of each level is available separately.)