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RHYMING WORDS 3, Advanced Levels = Four 52-Card Decks I, J, K, L + 60-Page Activity & Idea Book
ISBN 978-1-891077-22-7 and -23-4 10.00 USD
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phonicSpelling RHYMING WORDS, Advanced Levels = Four 52-Card Decks I, J, K, L + 60-Page Activity & Idea Book
Advanced-Level Rhyming Word Card Decks I J K L not only review and reinforce the patterns and principles of the two previous levels. They also introduce progressing students to the concepts of syllables and syllable stress in vocabulary items (words and phrases). With 108 word-and-picture cards (52 sets of four-of-a-kind), users practice reading and spelling one and polysyllabic words with common, less frequent, unusual, and exceptional spellings. The four items of each set match not only in their rhyming parts but also in their numbers of syllables and syllable-stress patterns.
Like the instruction books accompanying the two lower levels, the Advanced Level Activity & Idea Book tells the advantages of using educational card decks to teach word-level language skills. It explains why the concept of rhyming helps in phonics and spelling instruction, even at higher levels. There are suggestions for preparation activities, content information, word lists with notes on advanced-level spelling patterns and rules, and more. Ideas for innovative, effective follow-up activities such as "Paired, Fill-In Spelling Tests," "Rhyming-Word Bingo," "Rhyming-Word Twenty-Questions," "Hinkety-Pinketies," and "Rhyming-Word Brainstorming" are included. Without detracting from instructional objectives, the package provides a welcome change of pace to keep students interested and motivated in word-level language acquisition.
ISBN 978-1-891077-22-7 & -23-4 $10
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Reference lists for Advanced Rhyming - Word / Picture Card Decks.
Advanced Rhyming - Word / Picture Card Deck I.
Ideas for followup after playing any / all Rhyming-Word /Picture Card games.
(At the Beginning level of phonicSpelling Rhyming Words [ISBNs 978-1-891077-18-0 & -19-7], students read and spell items with only the most common rimes--identical vowel and final consonant letters that produce the same rhyming word parts. The Intermediate-Level Card Decks [ISBNs 978-1-891077-20-3 & -21-0] introduce alternative, but still regular, spellings in one-syllable words, including some with grammatical endings.)