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RHYMING WORDS 2, Intermediate Levels = Four 52-Card Decks E, F, G, H + 56-Page Activity & Idea Book
ISBN 978-1-891077-20-03 & -21-0 10.00 USD
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RHYMING WORDS, Intermediate Levels = 52 Word & Picture-Card Decks E, F, G, H + 56-Page Activity & Idea Book
With Intermediate Rhyming Word Card Decks E, F, G, and H, students of phonics and new readers review basic letter-sound patterns and are introduced to alternative word spellings. Each 52-card deck contains thirteen sets of four-of-a-kind (matching) rhyming words, shown in pictures and print. Through motivating card activities, users learn that different letters, especially vowels, can produce the same sounds. All 108 Intermediate-Level items are one-syllable words with more or less common or regular spellings. Some have the plural noun -s or past verb -ed ending, however, proving the point that letter-sound correspondences can vary.
The Intermediate Level Activity & Idea Book tells how to apply the rules—and the motivation—of traditional, cooperative, and competitive card activities to the teaching and learning of word-level reading and spelling skills. There are suggestions for preparation activities, instructional tips, reference rhyming-word lists with useful commentary, instructions for 8 classic card games, phonics-spelling content (principles and rules), ideas for follow-up procedures, and more. The cards and book provide a versatile. adaptable package for self-study or for use with individual learners, small groups, and even large classes.
ISBN 978-1-891077-20-3 & -21-0 $10.00
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What’s in Rhyming-Word Intermediate Card Decks E-H?
Rhyming-Word Intermediate Card Decks E-H
(At the Beginning level of Rhyming Words [ISBNs 979-1-891077-18-0 & -19-7], students read and spell words with only the most common rimes--identical vowel and final consonant letters that produce the same rhyming word sounds. The Advanced-Level Card Decks [ISBNs 1-891077-22-7 & -23-4] review previously mastered patterns and also introduce exceptional spellings in one– and multiple-syllable words.)