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Phonics BINGO, All Four Levels = 32 Game Sets of Grids & Caller Cards + Four 60-Page Activity & Idea Books
ISBNs 978-0-9627878-5-0, -6-7, -7-4, -8-1 96.00 USD
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Phonics BINGO: 80 Grids & 32 Sets of Caller Cards + Four Leveled 60-Page Activity & Idea Books.
Literacy Level = 80 9-Box Picture-Grids & Caller Cards for 8 Games. Beginning Level = 80 16-Box Word/Picture-Grids & Caller Cards for 8 Games. Intermediate Level = 80 25-Box Word/Picture-Grids & Caller Cards for 8 Games. Advanced-Level = 80 36-Box Word-Grids & Caller Cards for 8 Games.
In addition or as an alternative to learning word-level reading and spelling through workbooks, secondary and adult learners can reinforce their ability to relate sounds to letters through user-friendly Phonics Bingo games. These entertaining classroom-ready materials work because they provide immediate feedback—encouraging and enabling language-learning players to understand and then pronounce words comprehensibly. The vocabulary items to be compared are arranged in “minimal pairs and groups” on each of the Grids.
An extensive, custom-designed teacher-resource Activity & Idea book for each level includes reduced-sized copies of Game Grids for the eight separate games, the rules of Phonics Lotto or Bingo with suggestions for multi-level variations, and a mini-phonics course for instructors and tutors. There are also reproducible Reference Lists, Phonics Worksheets, Mastery Checks, and Answer Keys.
Each of four levels of materials—Literacy, Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced—contains 8 sets of Caller Cards for 8 games with 10 distinct Bingo Grids each. Half the games at each level contrast vowel sounds and spellings. The other four focus on consonants—initial, final, and (at higher multi-syllable levels) medial. The levels become progressively more challenging—in the number of contrasting words, their sound/spelling patterns, and the complexity or infrequency of the vocabulary in each game. For reference, phonics pattern symbol vs. letter lists enhance each grid.
ISBNs 978-0-9627878-5-0, -6-7, -7-4, -8-1 $96.00 US Each Leveled Set of Phonics BINGO purchased separately $28.00 US (See links to each Leveled Set, below.)
To see the Table of Contents and/or Sample Pages of each of the four individual levels, click on any of the PDF'd links below. You can download or print by right-clicking on the Link and selecting "Save/Print as" or the equivalent. Permission to print, copy, and distribute for personal or educational (non-commercial) use is hereby given.
Phonics BINGO 1 Basic InstrBook, Bingo and Lotto Rules
Phonics BINGO 1 Basic InstrBook, Images of 8 Boards w Notes
Phonics BINGO 2 Beg. InstrBook, Images of 8 Boards w Notes
Phonics BINGO 2 Beg. InstrBook, Summary of PhonicSpelling Patterns
Phonics BINGO 3 Interm. InstrBook, Images of 8 Boards w Notes
Phonics BINGO 3 Inter. InstrBook, Review Activities
Phonics BINGO 4 Adv. InstrBook, Images of 8 Boards w Notes
Phonics BINGO 4 Adv. InstrBook, Sample Mastery Tests