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INITIAL CONSONANTS 3, 4 = Intermediate + Advanced Levels 160- & 244-Card Packs + 88-Page Activity & Idea Book
ISBNs 978-1-934637-40-1 & 41-8 Includes both: INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED Card Decks, with an Activity & Idea Book. 22.00 USD
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phonicSpelling INITIAL CONSONANTS 3, 4 = Intermediate 160-Card & Advanced 244-Card Packs + 88-Page Activity & Idea Book
The Intermediate-Level Initial-Consonants Card Pack contains pictures named by four categories of words with the consonants that start the items covered in the Beginning Pack above—as well as cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, q, sl, sm, sn, sp, sr, str, sw, th, tr, v, y, and z. These mostly one-syllable items have regular, but less common, spellings (letters in sequence) than those in lower-level materials. Their four Categories of Meaning are the same: People/Animals, Places, Things, and Actions/Activities.
Words starting with all possible initial consonant letters, digraphs, and clusters are in the Advanced-Level pack, which contains both one- and multi-syllable items with regular, irregular, and exceptional spellings.
The Activity Idea Book for these card packs includes higher level information and longer word lists for more complete reading/phonics/spelling instruction. There are also ideas for more challenging educational activities and games.
ISBN 978-1-934637-40-1 & -41-8 $16.00 US
To see the Table of Contents and/or Sample Pages of this product, click on any of these PDF'd Sections. You can download or print by right-clicking on the Link and selecting "Save/Print as" or the equivalent. Permission to print, copy, and distribute for personal or educational (non-commercial) use is hereby given.
Initial Consonants Intermediate - Advanced Introduction & TOC
Initial Consonants Intermediate - Advanced Decks: How to Use
Initial Consonants Intermediate - Advanced Decks Reference List
Initial Consonants Intermediate Decks, Cards cr to fl
Initial Consonants Advanced Decks, Cards fr to gr
(In a comparable but less challenging format, the Basic & Beginning-Level INITIAL CONSONANTS package [ISBNs 978-1-934637-38-8 & -39-5] contains 54- and 72-Card Packs, respectively, with a 72-page Activity & Idea Book. It differs from the higher-level product in the "difficulty" of its items and suggested activities.)