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DOING WITHOUT THE PHOTOCOPIER, STILL, From AA to ZZ = 130-Page How-to Teaching & Learning Resource Book
ISBN 978-1-891077-24-1 20.00 USD
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STILL DOING WITHOUT THE PHOTOCOPIER, From AA to ZZ: 26 More Creative Generic Ideas for Reusable Language Materials & Activities = 130-Page How-to Resource Activity & Idea Book
Elementary to Adult—Low-Beginning to Advanced, these twenty-six (from AA to ZZ) additional ideas for reusable language and content classroom materials will save even more time and money, motivate even more language acquisition, and eliminate the "tedium factor" from teaching and learning in an even greater variety of ways!
Designed as a flexible teacher-training concept, each set of instructions includes suggestions for adaptation for learners at other levels of language proficiency, possible variations on the theme, and other areas of application. Although all 26 ideas include integrated language development, they are categorized according to language focus: Spelling & Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Grammar & Phrasing, Oral Language (Listening & Speaking), Written Language (Reading & Writing), and Integrated Language Skills.
Here are the titles of only a few of these intriguing ideas: Flash Points, Lots of Lotto, Alphabet Answers, Mystery Phrases, Vocabulary Chains & Dominoes, Classifying Clutter, Spontaneous Speech & Speeches, and Commercial Success. There are 18 others, some as comprehensive as entire "mini-books" on the subject. The 130-page book would be an excellent "text" for a week of in-depth teacher-training workshops.
In addition to saving time and money, you’ll continue stimulating your creative juices, using what you already have for educational purposes, and getting what you need to "make it all come out even." You’ll ensure teacher and learner participation, enthusiasm, and success. And you’ll teach with more confidence, energy, and enthusiasm than ever before—all with the ideas in the Doing Without the Photocopier package.
ISBN: 978-0-9627878-4-3 $20.00
To see the Table of Contents and/or Sample Pages of this product, click on any of these PDF'd Sections. You can download or print by right-clicking on the Link and selecting "Save/Print as" or the equivalent. Permission to print, copy, and distribute for personal or educational (non-commercial) use is hereby given.
Still Doing Without the Photocopier, T of C and End of Intro
Still Doing Without the Photocopier, Vocab - Intro Idea EE Mystery Phrases
(Twenty-six Creative Generic Ideas for Reusable Language Materials & Activities from A to Z can be found in the classic Doing Without the Photocopier How-to Resource [ISBN 978-0-9627878-4-3] that precedes this sequel. Its instructions and concepts tend to be shorter, simpler, and more appropriate for "less experienced" teachers and learners.)