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ISBN 978-1-934637-26-5
26.00 USD
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Speaking: Beginners' BEFORE SPEAKING with PRONUNCIATION PRINCIPLES--& More, with Inbound 60-Page ANSWER KEY = 204-Page Student Text
An all-in-one classroom text for high-beginning to low-intermediate English-as-a-Second Language learners in oral-skills classes, BegBeSpw/PrPr is a condensed, simplified version of the content and principles of BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills along with its companion text PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE: Instruction & Activities in Vowel & Consonant Sounds, Syllables, Stress, Rhythm, and Other Features of Clear American Accent. It covers sounds vs. letters; basic phonics patterns; and pronunciation of words, phrases, and sentences, all within the four realistic contexts of "Getting Started," "Talk About Things," "Talk About Places," and "Talk About People." There is a clear progression from smaller to larger language elements and from controlled exercises to communicative and expressive activities. It invites multi-level adaptations as well as shortening or lengthening.
For those students that learn best by checking answers and/or on their own, BegBeSpw/PrPr can be purchased with an inbound 60-page Answer Key. These pages offer not only correct answers to those exercise items that have them but also a plethora of suggested language for oral activities. Text-users can use these sections as stimuli for ideas, to acquire useful vocabulary, to prepare for in-class sessions, and to compare the language of their own thoughts to those of educated native speakers. Except for the Challenge Activities, all Text exercises and activities that invite response are addressed.
ISBN 9781-934637-26-5 $26.00
(Available "ancillaries" for BegBeSpwPrPr with an Inbound 60-Page Answer Key are a Teachers’ Guide [ISBN 978-1-934637-23-4], and Three 70-Minute CDs [ISBN 978-1-934637-24-1])
(BegBeSpw/PrPr is a condensed, simplified version of the content and principles of BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills [ISBN 978-1-891077-50-0] along with its companion text PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE: Instruction & Activities in Vowel & Consonant Sounds, Syllables, Stress, Rhythm, and Other Features of Clear American Accent. [ISBN 978-1-891077-51-7]. For "more challenge" provided by less material, take a look at SPEAKING: Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication [978-1-891077-00-5] with or without ACCENT ACTIVITIES for SPEAKING [ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9].)
An all-in-one classroom text for high-beginning to low-intermediate English-as-a-Second Language learners in oral-skills classes, BegBeSpw/PrPr is a condensed, simplified version of the content and principles of BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills along with its companion text PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE: Instruction & Activities in Vowel & Consonant Sounds, Syllables, Stress, Rhythm, and Other Features of Clear American Accent. It covers sounds vs. letters; basic phonics patterns; and pronunciation of words, phrases, and sentences, all within the four realistic contexts of "Getting Started," "Talk About Things," "Talk About Places," and "Talk About People." There is a clear progression from smaller to larger language elements and from controlled exercises to communicative and expressive activities. It invites multi-level adaptations as well as shortening or lengthening.
For those students that learn best by checking answers and/or on their own, BegBeSpw/PrPr can be purchased with an inbound 60-page Answer Key. These pages offer not only correct answers to those exercise items that have them but also a plethora of suggested language for oral activities. Text-users can use these sections as stimuli for ideas, to acquire useful vocabulary, to prepare for in-class sessions, and to compare the language of their own thoughts to those of educated native speakers. Except for the Challenge Activities, all Text exercises and activities that invite response are addressed.
ISBN 9781-934637-26-5 $26.00
(Available "ancillaries" for BegBeSpwPrPr with an Inbound 60-Page Answer Key are a Teachers’ Guide [ISBN 978-1-934637-23-4], and Three 70-Minute CDs [ISBN 978-1-934637-24-1])
(BegBeSpw/PrPr is a condensed, simplified version of the content and principles of BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills [ISBN 978-1-891077-50-0] along with its companion text PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE: Instruction & Activities in Vowel & Consonant Sounds, Syllables, Stress, Rhythm, and Other Features of Clear American Accent. [ISBN 978-1-891077-51-7]. For "more challenge" provided by less material, take a look at SPEAKING: Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication [978-1-891077-00-5] with or without ACCENT ACTIVITIES for SPEAKING [ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9].)