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Beginners' BeforeSpeaking with PronunciationPrinciples AUDIO = 3 70-Minute CDs
ISBN 978-1-934637-29-6
26.00 USD
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Available on three 70-Minute CDs are the verbiage of those sections of BegBeSpwPrPr that text-users need to be able to comprehend aurally--as well as vocabulary items, phrases, sentences, and conversations that can serve as pronunciation models for non-native speakers of English. Read aloud by native speakers of various ages, these basic items (sounds, words, phrases, and sentences) are marked by arrows in the Text.
Especially in situations in which learners do not have one-on-one access to live native-speaker tutors or helpers, recorded audio material can be of great help. These can be made available in learning labs, copied, distributed for individual use, or even used during lessons.
ISBN 978-1-934637-29-6 $26.00
(Other materials in this series include:
(BegBeSpw/PrPr is a condensed, simplified version of the content and principles of BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills [ISBN 978-1-891077-50-0] along with its companion text PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE: Instruction & Activities in Vowel & Consonant Sounds, Syllables, Stress, Rhythm, and Other Features of Clear American Accent [ISBN 978-1-891077-51-7], and Pronunciation Practice Before Speaking ANSWER KEY & TAPESCRIPT, 50 Reproducible Pages[ISBN 978-1-891077-53-1].
For "more challenge" provided by less material, take a look at Speaking: Oral LAnguage Skills for Real-Life Communication, 102 pages, [ISBN 978-1-891077-00-5] with or without its One 70 minute AUDIO CD [ISBN 978-1-891077-25-8] and/or Accent Activities for Speaking [ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9], and the Accent Activities for Speaking 70 minute AUDIO CD [978-1-891077-29-6].)
Available on three 70-Minute CDs are the verbiage of those sections of BegBeSpwPrPr that text-users need to be able to comprehend aurally--as well as vocabulary items, phrases, sentences, and conversations that can serve as pronunciation models for non-native speakers of English. Read aloud by native speakers of various ages, these basic items (sounds, words, phrases, and sentences) are marked by arrows in the Text.
Especially in situations in which learners do not have one-on-one access to live native-speaker tutors or helpers, recorded audio material can be of great help. These can be made available in learning labs, copied, distributed for individual use, or even used during lessons.
ISBN 978-1-934637-29-6 $26.00
(Other materials in this series include:
BEGINNERS' BEFORE SPEAKING WITH PRONUNCIATION PRINCIPLES (BegBeSpwPrPr), a 144-Page Student Text, [ISBN 978-1-934637-25-8], BegBeSpwPrPr with an Inbound 60-Page Answer Key [ISBN 978-1-934637-26-5], BegBeSpwPrPr ANSWER KEY, 60 Reproducible Pages, [ISBN 978-1-934637-27-2], BegBeSpwPrPr TEACHER'S GUIDE,150 Reproducible Pages, [ISBN 978-1-934637-28-9], and Pronunciation Practice Before Speaking AUDIO = Three 80-Minute CDs [ISBN 978-1-891077-52-4])
(BegBeSpw/PrPr is a condensed, simplified version of the content and principles of BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills [ISBN 978-1-891077-50-0] along with its companion text PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE: Instruction & Activities in Vowel & Consonant Sounds, Syllables, Stress, Rhythm, and Other Features of Clear American Accent [ISBN 978-1-891077-51-7], and Pronunciation Practice Before Speaking ANSWER KEY & TAPESCRIPT, 50 Reproducible Pages[ISBN 978-1-891077-53-1].
For "more challenge" provided by less material, take a look at Speaking: Oral LAnguage Skills for Real-Life Communication, 102 pages, [ISBN 978-1-891077-00-5] with or without its One 70 minute AUDIO CD [ISBN 978-1-891077-25-8] and/or Accent Activities for Speaking [ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9], and the Accent Activities for Speaking 70 minute AUDIO CD [978-1-891077-29-6].)