SPEAKING: Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication = 102-Page Student Text

ISBN 978-1-891077-00-5
16.00 USD
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SPEAKING: Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication = 102-Page Student Text

With so many important reasons for improving our receptive and active language skills, why do our listening/speaking attempts so often lead to non– or mis-communication?  Why might our oral exchanges and speeches result in inefficient or counterproductive time-wasting? Maybe it’s because people that are "talking at one another" are often at cross purposes—using language to go after unrelated or conflicting goals.  Or perhaps it’s because we don’t always know—or remember or follow—the “rules” for effective communication for each time, place, and situation--those "best practices" that are most likely to work in real life.

Doing it better—and more easily—is what this SPEAKING  Worktext is all about: "Effective Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication."  The eight parts of this unique book correspond to eight of the most common, most useful kinds of oral communication: Social Conversation, Problem-Solving Talk, Talk About Any Subject, Conflict Resolution,  Instructional Speech (Explanation or Process Description), Narration (Story-Telling), Persuasive Speech, and The
Language of Debate. In each part, participants learn about and are directed toward real-life examples of that kind of speech in focus. They hear sample speeches and conversations (available on CD); participate in “Oral Practice” activities with step-by-step instruction in how to listen and speak effectively; and prepare, give, and improve their own short presentations—with feedback.

ISBN 978-1-891077-00-5        $16                             Speaking CD ISBN 978-1-891077-25-8 $12

(When the material of SPEAKING: Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication proved too "difficult" for low-intermediate language learners, the instructor/author created a "simpler" 166-page Worktext entitled Before SPEAKING; Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills [ISBN 978-1-891077-50-0]Focusing on "Talk About Things, Places, People" rather than Types of Speech, BEFORE SPEAKING contains a lot more "pedagogical explanation" and visuals than the higher-level SPEAKING; there is even a 172-Page ANSWER KEY [ISBN 978-1-891077-54-8] with "correct responses" and suggestions for other things to say--as well as an associated   166-Page Manual called PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE Before Speaking [978-1-891077-51-7] with three CDs [ISBN 978-1-891077-52-4]. 

When even the extensive materials of BEFORE SPEAKING seemed daunting to beginners, however, BEGINNERS' BEFORE SPEAKING with Pronunciation Principles--& More [ISBN 978-1-934637-25-8] was born.  Correlated with this as-simplified-yet-as-helpful-as-possible 144-Page Worktext are a 60-Page Answer Key [ISBN 978-1-934637-27-2] or a BegBeSPw/PrPr Teachers' Guide
[ISBN 978-1-934637-28-9] and three 70-Minute CDs [ISBN 978-1-934637-29-6].) 
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