HandsOn English ETC GRAMMAR Strand = Six Student Texts + Six Instructor's Annotated Editions/Manuals
ISBNs 978-1-891077-57-9, -03-6, -05-0, -07-4, -09-8, -11-1
225.00 USD
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HandsOn English, ETC: GRAMMAR = Six Student Texts + Six Annotated Teacher's Editions or Teacher's Manuals
HandsOn English is a 21st-century title for the classic 17-Book ETC PROGRAM Competency-Based Skills Series. Its six Levels of challenge were designed for novice/beginning to advanced language + content learners. Each contains two or three Student Texts, subtitled [1] "Getting Started with Life Skills," [2] "English in Everyday Life," [3] "An Immigration Story," [4] "World Culture/Cross-Cultural Communication," [5] "Language & Culture in Depth," and [6] "Issues & Answers." Coordinated within each level of difficulty and carefully sequenced between levels, the seventeen (17) Texts (six with accompanying CDs) + 17 Instructor's Annotated Editions or Instructor's Manuals comprise a 34-book package of well-balanced, comprehensive language-skills/practical competency instruction, practice, activity, and assessment (testing).
The HandsOn English/ETC PROGRAM was designed for secondary-school students and adults wanting complete, detailed, practical language-based help with daily tasking, the world of work, social relationships, and other aspects of life in English-speaking environments. The entire Competency-Based PROGRAM is divided into three Language-Skills Strands. These are [a] Grammar (Sentence Structure/Rules), [b] Oral Skills (Listening & Speaking), and [c] Written Skills (Reading & Writing). Every Student Book can be used with the one or two corresponding Texts at the same Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Alternatively, it can be used independently of the other Texts, with or without its supplements.
Students with an academic bent or cognitive learners that like to analyze language are likely to want one or more Texts with explicit grammar explanations, patterns, and rules. Also, participants that have been learning English mostly through "natural approaches" may appreciate the organized pedagogy of these six Competency-Based Grammars. The contexts in which these structures are presented and practiced are far from artificial, disconnected, or boring, however. Instead, all grammar models--and the exercises and activities in which students use them--not only relate to the Level Subtitle but also to each Chapter Topic. Practical information, cultural content, and competencies are woven into the material, complementing but not repeating those of the corresponding Listening/Speaking and Reading/Writing Books. The multi-purpose, real-life format of the HandsOn English, ETC Grammar Strand is likely to appeal to many different kinds of educators and learners.
Accompanied by an Annotated Edition or Instructor's Manual, each HandsOn English ETC Student Grammar Text 1-6 has an Intro before ten chapters, each on a different general grammar topic, such as the Imperative, the Present Tenses, Singular & Plural Nouns, Adjectives, Modals, Infinitives, the Passive, or the like; these vary from one Level to the next. The targeted info of each Level is not only reviewed and recycled in a more sophisticated format in the following Level but also integrated naturally with more "advanced" structures, patterns, and rules. Because of the well-crafted content, recycling, review, and the synthesizing of knowledge occurs naturally--without repetition or tedium in the overall Scope & Sequence.
Every Chapter after the Intro contains four Parts, each focused on a different aspect of the Chapter Topic, on comparing them with one another, or on a smaller "piece of grammar." In the six leveled Grammar Books 1-6, the subtitles of these four sections, all of which name grammatical subtopics, vary. Following is more specific information about each of the Competency-Based Grammar Books 1-6.
The Level 1 (Getting Started with Life Skills) SKILLS BOOK has only one PART in each of its ten chapters---the topics of which are Things, Information, Help, Food & Money, Times & Places, The Body, People, Emergencies, Work, Fun---that focuses on sentence structures and grammatical rules. Following relevant presentations and VOCABULARY and LISTENING PARTS, these GRAMMAR IN CONVERSATION sections contain short, simple conversations with elements to substitute into the targeted sentence patterns. They end with oral, real-life tasks that participants can complete successfully with the given structures and vocabulary. The Level 1 WORKBOOK, in contrast, is more focused on grammar. PARTS ONE, TWO, and THREE of each of its ten chapters contain an illustrated strip-story presentation of the targeted structures, followed by simple exercises and grammatical writing practice.
As in the corresponding Competency-Based Language-Skills Texts, the Chapter Topics of the Level 2 GRAMMAR (English in Everyday Life) are Getting There, Problems & Solutions, Moving, Food & Things, The Family, The Community, Work, Shopping, Health, The Community, The Weekend & Vacations. Addressing the Competencies of introducing and Naming Things, its Starting Out Intro reviews the concepts of subject pronouns with be, singular/plural, and possessive adjectives. In a well-designed arrangement that works in context, the ten four-part Chapters that make up most of the Student Book "cover" these grammar topics: the Imperative; Simple Modals; the Simple Present, Past, & Future; the Fillers "it" vs. "there"; and the Present & Past Continuous. Less basic structures such as Prepositional Phrases, Two-Word Verbs, Comparatives & Superlatives, Quantity Expressions, and Clauses are included. And because Hands-on English, ETC is a "competency-based program," the grammar is neatly coordinated with "Notions & Functions" (what language does) such as Describing Situations, Suggesting Solutions to Problems, Asking for Information, Telling about People, Making Requests & Plans, Getting Work, Making Comparisons, etc. These goals are achieved through attractively illustrated presentations, clear explanations that emphasized grammatical models, a variety of easy-to-do exercises that "teach" successfully, and grammar activities that actually lead to real-life self-expression and interactive communication.
With its relevant Intro and ten Chapter Topics--The Arrival, Housing, Transportation, Work, Education, Money, Recreation & Entertainment, Health & Illness, Friendship & Romance, Family & Special Occasions, the Level 3 GRAMMAR addresses the theme of An Immigration Story, naturally integrating its content with that of the corresponding L/S and R/W BOOKS. For example, CHAPTER 1 reviews fundamental grammar of the previous Level (the Imperative, Pronouns, the Simple Present & Past, Basic Modals, Basic Infinitives) while enabling participants to Describe Action Sequences; Give Instructions, Express Ability, Permission, Wants, & Needs; and Tell Stories--all within the context of a four-part illustrated strip story of a newcomer's arrival in the United States. Text-users demonstrate their comprehension of and ability to use the relevant grammar by doing controlled, but still interesting and effective, exercises of different kinds, which lead them effortlessly to expression of their own thoughts, info, and ideas within communicative contexts. The other nine Chapters follow a similar format; even so, there is no repetitive tedium because they continue to provide interesting experiential stories. In addition to anchoring the basic structures and rules of previous Levels, this third Level includes "interesting, challenging, new structures" such as Tag Questions; Modals of Prediction & Possibility; Verb-Phrasing (including Objects); Expressions of the Future; Indefinite, Reflexive, & Reciprocal Pronouns; Joining Sentences; Adjective Clauses; and the Present Perfect (Continuous).
In the Introduction to GRAMMAR Level 4 (Cross-Cultural Communication/World Culture), the Rules of Culture are introduced through the concept of "parts of speech." Then, each CHAPTER 1-10 (Beginnings, The Body, Dealing with Situations, Eating & Drinking, Solving Problems, Communication, Social Interaction, Home & Family Life, Work & Money, and Education) starts with a "How much do you already know?" Pretest, which not only introduces its "story" but also focuses students' attention on targeted grammatical structures. The four CHAPTER PARTS that follow divide the "main grammar" (the Present, Kinds of Verbs, the Past, the Future, the Present Perfect Tenses, Comparison of Tenses, Comparatives, Infinitives Vs. Gerunds, the Conditional, Indirect Questions, the Passive) into manageable chunks. Each begins with a well-designed explanation enhanced by organized, clarifying charts. Its large variety of exercise types--designed to appeal to various learning styles and to prevent boredom--includes not only traditional fill-ins but also correction activities, question-and-answer sequences, cued sentence building, sentence combining, and simulated realia, all within interesting and important narrative contexts, of course. There is a lot to learn at this important mid-level of language acquisition.
For variety--and because language-learners tend to enjoy it, GRAMMAR Level 5 (Language & Culture in Depth) does a lot with grammatical/structural language correction--mostly in the context of amusing Anecdotes with Punch Lines "told" by its main characters. Its Intro reviews Grammatical Terms & Concepts. Of course, its entertaining stories all relate to its CHAPTER themes: Meeting People; Getting an Education; Money, Money, Money; Earning a Living; Getting Help; Going Places; Getting Along with People; Having Fun; The Media; and A Lifetime of Learning. While reviewing, recycling, learning more about, and utilizing the major grammar of the language (Uses of Nouns, Verb Tenses & Forms, Questions Vs. Statements, Supporting Parts of Speech, Active Vs. Passive, Kinds of Clauses, etc.), text-users get to appreciate the humor while acquiring even more practical competences through detailed informational and cultural content that complements that of the corresponding Level 5 L/S and R/W TEXTS.
Based on currently relevant Issues & Answers, the format of GRAMMAR LEVEL 6 varies somewhat from that of the previous Levels. Instead of an Intro, the Student Text starts with a GRAMMAR PRETEST entitled "How Much Do You Already Know?" In ten sections corresponding to the ten Text Chapters--Listening to the Media, Families, Health & Fitness, Government & Law, Business & Work, Science & Technology, Consumerism, Education, The Environment, Immigration, Travel & Recreation--there are 100 numbered test items, 1-100. For each item, text-users choose the one grammatically correct word or phrase a, b, c, d, in bold type; if they can also explain what is wrong with the other three choices--and correct them appropriately, they might be justified in skipping the corresponding one-, two-, or three-page Lesson of the Text. Otherwise, or if they prefer to work through the most useful grammar of the English language systematically, they can focus on one grammatical/structural subtopic at a time. The ten Level 6 Chapter content subjects Families, Health & Fitness, Government & Law, Business & Work, Science & Technology, Consumerism, Education, The Environment, Immigration, and Travel & Recreation correspond to the ten general grammar topics the Present & Present Perfect Tenses; Nouns, Determiners, & Pronouns; Infinitives & the Past Tenses; Adjectives & Adverbs; the Future; Gerunds; Modal Verbs; the Passive & Phrasal Verbs; Noun Clauses; and Adverb Clauses & Connecting Words. Each of the ten Lessons per Chapter contains instruction, exercises, and more challenging activities with which learners can demonstrate mastery of the targeted grammatical structures/principles. On doing so, they can then jump ahead to the corresponding item(s) of the GRAMMAR POSTTEST called "What Do You Know Now?" Finally, they might want to show what they know and can do with activities or assignments from the corresponding Level 6 L/S and/or R/W Books. Alternatively or even better, they can demonstrate their increased fluency or proficiency in real-life tasks and success.
The Teacher's Annotated Editions for Level 1, 2, and 3--and the Instructor's Manuals for GRAMMAR Levels 4, 5, and 6 include not only general and detailed suggestions for Textbook use, but also the correct answers to all exercises and additional Progress Tests.
Text ISBNs 978-1-891077-14-2, -03-6, -05-0, -07-4, -09-8, -11-1
Instructor's Annotated Edition/Manual ISBNs 978-1-891077-58-6, -04-3, -06-7, -08-1, -09-8, -12-8
Feel free to get even more detailed information about an individual title and/or its ancillaries (Instructor's Annotated Edition/Manual) in the GRAMMAR Strand of the HandsOn English, ETC PROGRAM. On request, we can provide a copy of its Preface or Table of Contents, sample Try-Before-You-Buy material (even entire chapters), and other useful freebies. At present, all elements of HandsOn English, ETC can be ordered on a "print-on-demand" basis. Their pricing, therefore, will depend on many factors. Don't hesitate to contact us for an estimate.
(The six Student Texts + ancillaries of the GRAMMAR Strand of the HandsOn ETC Program can be used to great advantage on their own, of course, especially with language learners that need more explicit instruction in the structure and rules of the English language. In fact, in some learning situations, courses, and programs, participants might choose to use elements of more than one GRAMMAR Level simultaneously or sequentially.)
(On the other hand, many users of HandsOn English ETC GRAMMAR materials at any proficiency Level 1-6 might also be interested in the corresponding Student Texts that comprise the other two Strands of the PROGRAM. These Competency-Based Language-Skills Books have the same leveled themes as the GRAMMAR materials, as reflected in their subtitles: [1] "Getting Started with Life Skills," [2] "English in Everyday Life," [3] "An Immigration Story," [4] "World Culture/Cross-Cultural Communication," [5] "Language & Culture in Depth," and [6] "Issues & Answers." Even though the chapter titles are the same in all three Texts of each Level--and the content and vocabulary tend to reinforce one another across the curriculum, the specific language-skills competencies, pedagogy, and subtopics are different in each Book. Considering that there are only two or three Student Texts with ancillaries per Level, there is a tremendous amount of unique, yet well-coordinated, material.)
(To focus on oral-skills competencies, take a look at the six HandsOn English ETC LISTENING/SPEAKING Texts [ISBNs 978-1-934637-57-9, -60-9, -63-0, -66-1, -69-2, -72-2] with or without their one to 5 CDs each [ISBNs 978-1-891077-59-3, -62-3, -65-4, -68-5, -71-5, -74-6] and/or their Instructor's Annotated Editions/Guides [ISBNs 978-1-891077-58-6, -61-6, -64-7, -67-8, -70-8, -73-9]. To focus on interesting reading/writing material on similar and related topics, try out the six HandsOn ETC Written-Skills Texts [978-1-934637-14-2, -77-7, -79-1, -81-4, -83-8, -85-2]. with or without their Instructor's Annotated Editions/Instructor's Manuals [ISBNs 978-1-934637-15-9, -78-4, -80-7, -82-1, -84-5, -86-9].)
HandsOn English is a 21st-century title for the classic 17-Book ETC PROGRAM Competency-Based Skills Series. Its six Levels of challenge were designed for novice/beginning to advanced language + content learners. Each contains two or three Student Texts, subtitled [1] "Getting Started with Life Skills," [2] "English in Everyday Life," [3] "An Immigration Story," [4] "World Culture/Cross-Cultural Communication," [5] "Language & Culture in Depth," and [6] "Issues & Answers." Coordinated within each level of difficulty and carefully sequenced between levels, the seventeen (17) Texts (six with accompanying CDs) + 17 Instructor's Annotated Editions or Instructor's Manuals comprise a 34-book package of well-balanced, comprehensive language-skills/practical competency instruction, practice, activity, and assessment (testing).
The HandsOn English/ETC PROGRAM was designed for secondary-school students and adults wanting complete, detailed, practical language-based help with daily tasking, the world of work, social relationships, and other aspects of life in English-speaking environments. The entire Competency-Based PROGRAM is divided into three Language-Skills Strands. These are [a] Grammar (Sentence Structure/Rules), [b] Oral Skills (Listening & Speaking), and [c] Written Skills (Reading & Writing). Every Student Book can be used with the one or two corresponding Texts at the same Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Alternatively, it can be used independently of the other Texts, with or without its supplements.
Students with an academic bent or cognitive learners that like to analyze language are likely to want one or more Texts with explicit grammar explanations, patterns, and rules. Also, participants that have been learning English mostly through "natural approaches" may appreciate the organized pedagogy of these six Competency-Based Grammars. The contexts in which these structures are presented and practiced are far from artificial, disconnected, or boring, however. Instead, all grammar models--and the exercises and activities in which students use them--not only relate to the Level Subtitle but also to each Chapter Topic. Practical information, cultural content, and competencies are woven into the material, complementing but not repeating those of the corresponding Listening/Speaking and Reading/Writing Books. The multi-purpose, real-life format of the HandsOn English, ETC Grammar Strand is likely to appeal to many different kinds of educators and learners.
Accompanied by an Annotated Edition or Instructor's Manual, each HandsOn English ETC Student Grammar Text 1-6 has an Intro before ten chapters, each on a different general grammar topic, such as the Imperative, the Present Tenses, Singular & Plural Nouns, Adjectives, Modals, Infinitives, the Passive, or the like; these vary from one Level to the next. The targeted info of each Level is not only reviewed and recycled in a more sophisticated format in the following Level but also integrated naturally with more "advanced" structures, patterns, and rules. Because of the well-crafted content, recycling, review, and the synthesizing of knowledge occurs naturally--without repetition or tedium in the overall Scope & Sequence.
Every Chapter after the Intro contains four Parts, each focused on a different aspect of the Chapter Topic, on comparing them with one another, or on a smaller "piece of grammar." In the six leveled Grammar Books 1-6, the subtitles of these four sections, all of which name grammatical subtopics, vary. Following is more specific information about each of the Competency-Based Grammar Books 1-6.
The Level 1 (Getting Started with Life Skills) SKILLS BOOK has only one PART in each of its ten chapters---the topics of which are Things, Information, Help, Food & Money, Times & Places, The Body, People, Emergencies, Work, Fun---that focuses on sentence structures and grammatical rules. Following relevant presentations and VOCABULARY and LISTENING PARTS, these GRAMMAR IN CONVERSATION sections contain short, simple conversations with elements to substitute into the targeted sentence patterns. They end with oral, real-life tasks that participants can complete successfully with the given structures and vocabulary. The Level 1 WORKBOOK, in contrast, is more focused on grammar. PARTS ONE, TWO, and THREE of each of its ten chapters contain an illustrated strip-story presentation of the targeted structures, followed by simple exercises and grammatical writing practice.
As in the corresponding Competency-Based Language-Skills Texts, the Chapter Topics of the Level 2 GRAMMAR (English in Everyday Life) are Getting There, Problems & Solutions, Moving, Food & Things, The Family, The Community, Work, Shopping, Health, The Community, The Weekend & Vacations. Addressing the Competencies of introducing and Naming Things, its Starting Out Intro reviews the concepts of subject pronouns with be, singular/plural, and possessive adjectives. In a well-designed arrangement that works in context, the ten four-part Chapters that make up most of the Student Book "cover" these grammar topics: the Imperative; Simple Modals; the Simple Present, Past, & Future; the Fillers "it" vs. "there"; and the Present & Past Continuous. Less basic structures such as Prepositional Phrases, Two-Word Verbs, Comparatives & Superlatives, Quantity Expressions, and Clauses are included. And because Hands-on English, ETC is a "competency-based program," the grammar is neatly coordinated with "Notions & Functions" (what language does) such as Describing Situations, Suggesting Solutions to Problems, Asking for Information, Telling about People, Making Requests & Plans, Getting Work, Making Comparisons, etc. These goals are achieved through attractively illustrated presentations, clear explanations that emphasized grammatical models, a variety of easy-to-do exercises that "teach" successfully, and grammar activities that actually lead to real-life self-expression and interactive communication.
With its relevant Intro and ten Chapter Topics--The Arrival, Housing, Transportation, Work, Education, Money, Recreation & Entertainment, Health & Illness, Friendship & Romance, Family & Special Occasions, the Level 3 GRAMMAR addresses the theme of An Immigration Story, naturally integrating its content with that of the corresponding L/S and R/W BOOKS. For example, CHAPTER 1 reviews fundamental grammar of the previous Level (the Imperative, Pronouns, the Simple Present & Past, Basic Modals, Basic Infinitives) while enabling participants to Describe Action Sequences; Give Instructions, Express Ability, Permission, Wants, & Needs; and Tell Stories--all within the context of a four-part illustrated strip story of a newcomer's arrival in the United States. Text-users demonstrate their comprehension of and ability to use the relevant grammar by doing controlled, but still interesting and effective, exercises of different kinds, which lead them effortlessly to expression of their own thoughts, info, and ideas within communicative contexts. The other nine Chapters follow a similar format; even so, there is no repetitive tedium because they continue to provide interesting experiential stories. In addition to anchoring the basic structures and rules of previous Levels, this third Level includes "interesting, challenging, new structures" such as Tag Questions; Modals of Prediction & Possibility; Verb-Phrasing (including Objects); Expressions of the Future; Indefinite, Reflexive, & Reciprocal Pronouns; Joining Sentences; Adjective Clauses; and the Present Perfect (Continuous).
In the Introduction to GRAMMAR Level 4 (Cross-Cultural Communication/World Culture), the Rules of Culture are introduced through the concept of "parts of speech." Then, each CHAPTER 1-10 (Beginnings, The Body, Dealing with Situations, Eating & Drinking, Solving Problems, Communication, Social Interaction, Home & Family Life, Work & Money, and Education) starts with a "How much do you already know?" Pretest, which not only introduces its "story" but also focuses students' attention on targeted grammatical structures. The four CHAPTER PARTS that follow divide the "main grammar" (the Present, Kinds of Verbs, the Past, the Future, the Present Perfect Tenses, Comparison of Tenses, Comparatives, Infinitives Vs. Gerunds, the Conditional, Indirect Questions, the Passive) into manageable chunks. Each begins with a well-designed explanation enhanced by organized, clarifying charts. Its large variety of exercise types--designed to appeal to various learning styles and to prevent boredom--includes not only traditional fill-ins but also correction activities, question-and-answer sequences, cued sentence building, sentence combining, and simulated realia, all within interesting and important narrative contexts, of course. There is a lot to learn at this important mid-level of language acquisition.
For variety--and because language-learners tend to enjoy it, GRAMMAR Level 5 (Language & Culture in Depth) does a lot with grammatical/structural language correction--mostly in the context of amusing Anecdotes with Punch Lines "told" by its main characters. Its Intro reviews Grammatical Terms & Concepts. Of course, its entertaining stories all relate to its CHAPTER themes: Meeting People; Getting an Education; Money, Money, Money; Earning a Living; Getting Help; Going Places; Getting Along with People; Having Fun; The Media; and A Lifetime of Learning. While reviewing, recycling, learning more about, and utilizing the major grammar of the language (Uses of Nouns, Verb Tenses & Forms, Questions Vs. Statements, Supporting Parts of Speech, Active Vs. Passive, Kinds of Clauses, etc.), text-users get to appreciate the humor while acquiring even more practical competences through detailed informational and cultural content that complements that of the corresponding Level 5 L/S and R/W TEXTS.
Based on currently relevant Issues & Answers, the format of GRAMMAR LEVEL 6 varies somewhat from that of the previous Levels. Instead of an Intro, the Student Text starts with a GRAMMAR PRETEST entitled "How Much Do You Already Know?" In ten sections corresponding to the ten Text Chapters--Listening to the Media, Families, Health & Fitness, Government & Law, Business & Work, Science & Technology, Consumerism, Education, The Environment, Immigration, Travel & Recreation--there are 100 numbered test items, 1-100. For each item, text-users choose the one grammatically correct word or phrase a, b, c, d, in bold type; if they can also explain what is wrong with the other three choices--and correct them appropriately, they might be justified in skipping the corresponding one-, two-, or three-page Lesson of the Text. Otherwise, or if they prefer to work through the most useful grammar of the English language systematically, they can focus on one grammatical/structural subtopic at a time. The ten Level 6 Chapter content subjects Families, Health & Fitness, Government & Law, Business & Work, Science & Technology, Consumerism, Education, The Environment, Immigration, and Travel & Recreation correspond to the ten general grammar topics the Present & Present Perfect Tenses; Nouns, Determiners, & Pronouns; Infinitives & the Past Tenses; Adjectives & Adverbs; the Future; Gerunds; Modal Verbs; the Passive & Phrasal Verbs; Noun Clauses; and Adverb Clauses & Connecting Words. Each of the ten Lessons per Chapter contains instruction, exercises, and more challenging activities with which learners can demonstrate mastery of the targeted grammatical structures/principles. On doing so, they can then jump ahead to the corresponding item(s) of the GRAMMAR POSTTEST called "What Do You Know Now?" Finally, they might want to show what they know and can do with activities or assignments from the corresponding Level 6 L/S and/or R/W Books. Alternatively or even better, they can demonstrate their increased fluency or proficiency in real-life tasks and success.
The Teacher's Annotated Editions for Level 1, 2, and 3--and the Instructor's Manuals for GRAMMAR Levels 4, 5, and 6 include not only general and detailed suggestions for Textbook use, but also the correct answers to all exercises and additional Progress Tests.
Text ISBNs 978-1-891077-14-2, -03-6, -05-0, -07-4, -09-8, -11-1
Instructor's Annotated Edition/Manual ISBNs 978-1-891077-58-6, -04-3, -06-7, -08-1, -09-8, -12-8
Feel free to get even more detailed information about an individual title and/or its ancillaries (Instructor's Annotated Edition/Manual) in the GRAMMAR Strand of the HandsOn English, ETC PROGRAM. On request, we can provide a copy of its Preface or Table of Contents, sample Try-Before-You-Buy material (even entire chapters), and other useful freebies. At present, all elements of HandsOn English, ETC can be ordered on a "print-on-demand" basis. Their pricing, therefore, will depend on many factors. Don't hesitate to contact us for an estimate.
(The six Student Texts + ancillaries of the GRAMMAR Strand of the HandsOn ETC Program can be used to great advantage on their own, of course, especially with language learners that need more explicit instruction in the structure and rules of the English language. In fact, in some learning situations, courses, and programs, participants might choose to use elements of more than one GRAMMAR Level simultaneously or sequentially.)
(On the other hand, many users of HandsOn English ETC GRAMMAR materials at any proficiency Level 1-6 might also be interested in the corresponding Student Texts that comprise the other two Strands of the PROGRAM. These Competency-Based Language-Skills Books have the same leveled themes as the GRAMMAR materials, as reflected in their subtitles: [1] "Getting Started with Life Skills," [2] "English in Everyday Life," [3] "An Immigration Story," [4] "World Culture/Cross-Cultural Communication," [5] "Language & Culture in Depth," and [6] "Issues & Answers." Even though the chapter titles are the same in all three Texts of each Level--and the content and vocabulary tend to reinforce one another across the curriculum, the specific language-skills competencies, pedagogy, and subtopics are different in each Book. Considering that there are only two or three Student Texts with ancillaries per Level, there is a tremendous amount of unique, yet well-coordinated, material.)
(To focus on oral-skills competencies, take a look at the six HandsOn English ETC LISTENING/SPEAKING Texts [ISBNs 978-1-934637-57-9, -60-9, -63-0, -66-1, -69-2, -72-2] with or without their one to 5 CDs each [ISBNs 978-1-891077-59-3, -62-3, -65-4, -68-5, -71-5, -74-6] and/or their Instructor's Annotated Editions/Guides [ISBNs 978-1-891077-58-6, -61-6, -64-7, -67-8, -70-8, -73-9]. To focus on interesting reading/writing material on similar and related topics, try out the six HandsOn ETC Written-Skills Texts [978-1-934637-14-2, -77-7, -79-1, -81-4, -83-8, -85-2]. with or without their Instructor's Annotated Editions/Instructor's Manuals [ISBNs 978-1-934637-15-9, -78-4, -80-7, -82-1, -84-5, -86-9].)