CREATIVE CARD DECKS & GAMES = 52-Page Teaching & Learning How-to Resource Book
ISBN 978-1-891077-09-8
10.00 USD
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CREATING CARD DECKS & GAMES = 52-Page Teaching & Learning How-to Resource Book
The subtitle of this half-sized Teaching & Learning How-to Resource is "How to Create, Produce, and Make Effective Educational Use of Language Cards with Six (6) Different Card-Deck Designs." The topics in its Table of Contents are: INTRODUCTION: Card Faces as Symbols, A SHORT HISTORY of Playing Cards, CREATIVE CARD DECKS for Language Teaching & Learning, FLASH CARDS, DOMINO CARDS, MATCHING CARDS, QUARTETS, SEQUENCED CARDS, TRADITIONAL CARD-DECK FORMATS. The third section offers general information about "Kinds of Card Decks," "Card Deck Formats," "Creating Card Decks by Hand," Creating Card Decks on a Computer," and "General Ideas for Card-Deck Use." The titles of the last seven sections also include the phrase for Language Teaching & Learning. Each offers explanation and a Chart for the most suitable alphabet letter-, word-, phrase-, and/or sentence-level content areas" for that Card-Pack Format. Then come suggested steps for co-operative, and/or competitive educational activities and games. These include traditional children's and/or classic card play procedures and rules.
The use of symbol or word cards and games for educational purposes is not unusual. What is unique about this teacher-training resource, however, is its organized presentation of possible designs and uses of self-created, hand– or computer-made card decks that enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and enjoyment of language teaching/learning. Some of the kinds of language-education content that can be taught/learned in these ways are Alphabet Letters; Icons & Symbols; Phonics/Spelling Relationships; Initial, Vowel, & Final Sounds in Words; Basic Vocabulary; Word-Level Pronunciation; Word-Level Sight-Reading; Word Definitions; Rhyming Words; Word Families; Parts of Speech; Homophones, Synonyms & Opposites, Grammatical Forms, Compounds, and so on. If the phrasing, sentence, and discourse levels of language instruction are also included, there are many more possible topics that can be enhanced by Cards, Card Packs, & Card Activities & Games. A few examples are Verb Phrases (Subjects + Verbs, Transitive Verbs + Objects, Intransitive Verbs + Verb Complements), Word Usage in Context, Questions & Answers, etc.)
ISBN 978-1-891077-09-8 $10.00 US
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To see the Table of Contents and/or Sample Pages of this product, click on any of these PDF'd Sections. You can download or print by right-clicking on the Link and selecting "Save/Print as" or the equivalent. Permission to print, copy, and distribute for personal or educational (non-commercial) use is hereby given.
(In somewhat condensed, adapted form, some of the ideas and concepts in this 52-Page Teaching & Learning Resource form the core of Idea Ff: Four-of-a-Kind Card Decks & Games, which appears in Still Doing Without the Photocopier [978-1-891077-24-1]. Also, they contribute to the design of many of Authors & Editors' CARDS & CARD-DECK Products, such as phonicSpelling INITIAL CONSONANTS 1 & 2 [ISBNs 978-1-934637-38-8, -39-5] and phonicSpelling INITIAL CONSONANTS 3 & 4 [ISBNs 978-1-934637-40-1, -41-8], phonicSpelling RHYMING WORDS 1 Beginning [ISBNs 978-1-891077-18-0, -19-7], phonicSpelling RHYMING WORDS 2 Intermediate [ISBNs 978-1-891077-20-3, -21-0], phonicSpelling RHYMING WORDS 3 Advanced [ISBNs 978-1-891077-22-7, -23-4], phonicSpelling VOWEL SOUNDS & SPELLINGS 1 [ISBNs 978-1-934637-21-0], phonicSpelling VOWEL SOUNDS & SPELLINGS 2 [ISBNs 978-1-934637-22-7], phonicSpelling VOWEL SOUNDS & SPELLINGS 3 [ISBNs 978-1-934637-23-4], What's the Word? SYMBOL CARD DECKS 1 [ISBNs 978-1-891077-16-6], What's the Word? SYMBOL CARD DECKS 2 [ISBNs 978-1-891077-17-3], What's the Word? HOMOPHONES 1 [ISBNs 978-1-891077-39-5], What's the Word? HOMOPHONES 2 [ISBNs 978-1-891077-26-5], What's the Word? HOMOPHONES 3 [ISBNs 978-1-891077-40-1], and others.)