AccentActiviites for Speaking AUDIO = One 80-Minute CD
ISBN 978-1-891077-29-6
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ACCENT ACTIVITIES for Speaking Audio = One 80-Minute CD
The material of ACCENT ACTIVITIES for Speaking (Pronunciation Supplement to the SPEAKING Text) is meant to be heard, understood, repeated, imitated, and mastered by language learners--at least to the extent that they can apply its patterns to their own speech (oral production). In case text-users don't have "live native-speaking mentors" with especially effective accents at their disposal, the 80-Minute CD of its illustrative and exercise items (words, phrases, sentences, conversations, and speeches) may help.
The larger-than-sounds "Accent Acquisition Principles" of ACCENT ACTIVITIES are "The Step System of American Speech Music," "Meaning Focus," "Syllables & Syllable Stress," "Rhythm," "Thought Groups & Pausing," "Intonation," and "Sound Linking." PART SEVEN of the WorkText and CD reviews the mechanics of and the contrasts among sixteen vowel sounds; it includes the principle of vowel lengthening. The final section, PART EIGHT, contrasts eight pairs of voiced and voiceless consonant sounds and covers the pronunciation of eight other consonants in initial, medial, and final word positions. Consonant clusters (blends) are included, too.
Students can listen to the text examples and practice material over and over--at home, in a vehicle, in a learning lab, or even in a small-group or whole-class learning situation. It might help for them to try to replicate the language they hear--the sounds, of course, but (more importantly) the stress patterns, intonation, varying speed and volume, and the other features of comprehensible, clear, expressive, and effective speech. Although it will help to keep the targeted accent principles in mind while listening to the models, participants may or may not benefit from following along by reading the verbiage in the Book. They might then read aloud the same material themselves, comparing their own pronunciation with that on the CD.
ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9 $14.00 US
(The CD for ACCENT ACTIVITIES makes the most sense, of course, when used with the ACCENT ACTIVITIES for Speaking WorkText [ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9]. After listeners become thoroughly familiar with its content, however, listening to the Audio without reading along, perhaps in the background while doing other things, might help to imbed the patterns and principles in the "mind's ear" and brain.)
("Lower-level" audio material similar in kind is included in the three 70-Minute CDs [978-1-934637-29-6] that accompany Beginners' BEFORE SPEAKING with PRONUNCIATION PRINCIPLES--& More [ISBN 978-1-934637-25-8]. High-Beginning to Intermediate students wanting to change their accents might also be interested in PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE Before Speaking [ISBN 978-1-891077-51-7], with or without its three 80-Minute CDs [ISBN 978-1-891077-52-4] and/or its Tapescript [ISBN 978-1-891077-53-1]. It is the pronunciation supplement to the Student Text, BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills [ISBN 978-1-891077-50-0].)
For "higher-level" readings of words, phrases, and connected speech, try ACCENT ACTIVITIES [ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9], the pronunciation manual in combination with SPEAKING: Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication [ISBN 978-1-89107700-5].)
The material of ACCENT ACTIVITIES for Speaking (Pronunciation Supplement to the SPEAKING Text) is meant to be heard, understood, repeated, imitated, and mastered by language learners--at least to the extent that they can apply its patterns to their own speech (oral production). In case text-users don't have "live native-speaking mentors" with especially effective accents at their disposal, the 80-Minute CD of its illustrative and exercise items (words, phrases, sentences, conversations, and speeches) may help.
The larger-than-sounds "Accent Acquisition Principles" of ACCENT ACTIVITIES are "The Step System of American Speech Music," "Meaning Focus," "Syllables & Syllable Stress," "Rhythm," "Thought Groups & Pausing," "Intonation," and "Sound Linking." PART SEVEN of the WorkText and CD reviews the mechanics of and the contrasts among sixteen vowel sounds; it includes the principle of vowel lengthening. The final section, PART EIGHT, contrasts eight pairs of voiced and voiceless consonant sounds and covers the pronunciation of eight other consonants in initial, medial, and final word positions. Consonant clusters (blends) are included, too.
Students can listen to the text examples and practice material over and over--at home, in a vehicle, in a learning lab, or even in a small-group or whole-class learning situation. It might help for them to try to replicate the language they hear--the sounds, of course, but (more importantly) the stress patterns, intonation, varying speed and volume, and the other features of comprehensible, clear, expressive, and effective speech. Although it will help to keep the targeted accent principles in mind while listening to the models, participants may or may not benefit from following along by reading the verbiage in the Book. They might then read aloud the same material themselves, comparing their own pronunciation with that on the CD.
ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9 $14.00 US
(The CD for ACCENT ACTIVITIES makes the most sense, of course, when used with the ACCENT ACTIVITIES for Speaking WorkText [ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9]. After listeners become thoroughly familiar with its content, however, listening to the Audio without reading along, perhaps in the background while doing other things, might help to imbed the patterns and principles in the "mind's ear" and brain.)
("Lower-level" audio material similar in kind is included in the three 70-Minute CDs [978-1-934637-29-6] that accompany Beginners' BEFORE SPEAKING with PRONUNCIATION PRINCIPLES--& More [ISBN 978-1-934637-25-8]. High-Beginning to Intermediate students wanting to change their accents might also be interested in PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE Before Speaking [ISBN 978-1-891077-51-7], with or without its three 80-Minute CDs [ISBN 978-1-891077-52-4] and/or its Tapescript [ISBN 978-1-891077-53-1]. It is the pronunciation supplement to the Student Text, BEFORE SPEAKING: Activities for Practice & Preparation in Oral Language Skills [ISBN 978-1-891077-50-0].)
For "higher-level" readings of words, phrases, and connected speech, try ACCENT ACTIVITIES [ISBN 978-1-891077-28-9], the pronunciation manual in combination with SPEAKING: Oral Language Skills for Real-Life Communication [ISBN 978-1-89107700-5].)